This page is maintained by @Amira Salem

TL;DR: Learn about our compensation & perks we offer at Wonder

All employees should have an ownership stake in the company. Because it's a topic shrouded in mystery, here is an explanation of how our virtual stock options program works:

How most stock options program works

A VSOP plan is a legal construct that models the behaviour of a stock option plan, but adjusted to the German legal system. It goes as follows:

How Wonder's stock options program works

The above was a description of the basic mechanics of stock option plans in general (and most plans work that way). Some additional points that we think are important to understand, or where we deviated from the market standard.

<aside> 💡 You will learn more about our VSOP during the Interview process and Onboarding.


<aside> ❓ Want to educate yourself on ESOP/VSOP? Head over to Index Ventures who have created a great handbook
